The central library has started its functioning in college building. college library has single store building the carpet area of the 410 Sq. miters, in that building one reading room for 42 readersand second room capacity is 22 readers., one stack room this room also used books processing. The college is very rich in library. The founder of the college is the original biographer of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. And Mahatma Jyotiba Phule became the first biographer of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj by writing the first written Powada (Long Poem) of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. For the development of rural poor Bahujan people, the “Satya Shodhak” movement started by Mahatma Jyotiba Phule was later taken on by PandharinathPatal. He was known as an MP who worked for the movement. His habit of traveling, new technology, corps, use in agricultural and reading books.He brought new reference books to the library. As Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh studied in the UK and USA, it is seen that good books were procured from the beginning to develop the institute's library like the rich library there. Books on subjects such as dictionary, biographies, economics, political science, history, Marathi, English literature, commerce and physics, chemistry, mathematics, zoology, botany, electronics, computer science, etc. are available in the library., The library is having 40156 Books, ---- Journals/Periodicals and 12 News Papers.Also library is N-LIST member user can access 3828 E-Journals and 2,00,00,000+ E-books.
Dissemination of knowledge in any academic institution is attained by means of i) Teaching ii) Publication iii) Extension programmes.The library has partly open access. The library having special processing section. The library used Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.For the classifying the resources and these books are arranged subjectwise on stack. The library adopting classification DDC scheme(Subject wise)scheme for arrangement of books.
The library is fully computerized using SOUL 2.0 Software which is designed and developed by Information Library Networks (INFLIBNET) Gandhinagar an Inter University of UGC. In this software more than 25,653 Books entered from 2014-15.
1. OPAC: OPAC facility for student & staff for quick search books is provide.
2. News Paper Clipping:
3. Current Awareness Service
4. Help to Searching Information from Reference Books.
5. “Kalptaru” (Separate reading Room for Competitive Examination)
1. Collection Development :
An ongoing effort is made to provide a collection of books and periodicals which supports the instructional objectives of each program. College library having Competitive Examination Books.
2. Book Exhibition:
Library & Information centre organized book exhibition every year.
3. Celebration of Librarian Day:
Department celebrates Word Book Day and DR. S.R. Ranganathan Jayati. And A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh, DalitmitraPandharinath Patil, Shri R. D..Bhode Sarkar Birth Anniversary every year.
4. Book Talk :
Department organizes book talk for developing reading habits of students.
5. Internet Access Facility :
For the purpose of access Internet and N-List (use the E-Books & E- Journals ) library provide 03 PC for student and staff.
6. Organized Seminar & Workshop:
MoU with SPM Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts and Commerce College Chikhli. Under this objective of MoU library have participated and organized two workshop on IPR, Two Seminar on Reading culture and Habits.